The hardware connections are simplified using the available hardware from Microchip and MikroElectronika. The PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board supports the microSD Click boardTM but not the MCP2221A Breakout Module. Jumpers will be used to connect the PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board to the MCP2221A Breakout Module. We will cover the needed hardware connections here.
Step 1.1: Attach microSD Click board
Attach the microSD Click board to the mikroBUS™ A interface of the PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board.
Note: Do not insert the microSD card at this time.
Step 1.2: Connect USB from PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Board to Computer
Connect the USB Micro-B cable from the PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Board to the computer. MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) will use this connection to program and debug the MCU.
Step 1.3: Connect USB from MCP2221A Breakout Module to Computer
Attach a jumper wire from Curiosity board 3.3V to MCP2221A Breakout Module VDD.
Attach a jumper wire from Curiosity board GND to MCP2221A Breakout Module GND.
Attach a jumper wire from Curiosity board RB7 to MCP2221A Breakout Module RX.
Attach a jumper wire from Curiosity board RB8 to MCP2221A Breakout Module TX.