Configuring the dsPIC33CH Slave Project

Setting up the Slave Project

Setting up the Slave core in a Slave project involves importing the settings for the Slave core, which are configured in the Master project. The settings imported are grouped under the Master Core section in the MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) System Resources. The following sections explain the procedures involved in setting up the Slave core.

Configuring Master Core

  • Create an MPLAB® X IDE project or open an already existing MPLAB X IDE project with the Slave device selected from the dsPIC33CH family.
  • Launch MCC by:
    • Clicking on the MCC icon in MPLAB X IDE, or
    • Navigating to Tools > Embedded > MPLAB Code Configurator v3: Open/Close.
  • Master Core appears as a System Resource in the Slave project.

The Master core contains the configuration fuses of the Slave core (MSI, Slave ICD, Slave Internal Oscillator and Slave Watchdog), which are configured in the Master project. To display the settings selected in the Master project, the settings need to be imported from the Master project. The procedure to import the settings is explained in the "Importing Slave Core Settings" section of the "Importing dsPIC33CH Settings to the Slave Project" page.


Configuring MSI

The MSI controls are non-editable in the Slave project. All the settings related to MSI have to be done in the Master project and must be imported from the Master project. Interrupts for the protocols can be configured only after importing the settings.



On the first launch of MCC, the configurations related to Slave ICD, Internal Oscillator, and Watchdog have default values in the Slave project. You cannot change any of these configurations in the Slave project. If any change is required, you have to modify these configurations in the Master project, save the settings and import the modified settings to the Slave project. After importing the settings, you will see the configurations made in the Master project, which are applicable to the Slave project.


Pin Module

All the pins are available for selection in the Slave core by default. However, by default, ownership of output pins lies with the Master core. For the pins which are being used by the Slave core, the ownership of those pins has to be assigned to the Slave core in the Master project and those settings need to be imported in the Slave project.


The Description column within the Notifications [MCC] tab indicates the Slave project does not possess the ownership of the selected pins.


 Learn More


Importing Master Information to the Slave Project


Step-by-Step Example

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