Importing dsPIC33CH Settings to the Slave Project

Importing Slave Core Settings

Fuses related to the Slave core are configured in the Master project and MCC facilitates exporting and importing these configuration details to the Slave project. Exporting settings from the Master project is explained in the "Exporting Slave Core Settings" section of the "Exporting Slave Information from Master Project" page.

To import the settings, click on the Load Master Settings button. The settings are saved in the master_config.mc3 file, which resides in the Master project's directory. Select the file for import.

Upon Import:

  • All settings related to the Slave core that were configured in the Master project get updated to the Slave project.
  • The updated settings can be viewed by clicking on the Master core under the Device Resource area.

Conflicts while Importing

Any conflict that arises while importing the settings will be noted and it is up to you to resolve accordingly. For example, the ownership of pins RA0, RA1 lie with the Master core, while the ownership of pins RA2, RA3, RA4 have been assigned to Slave core in the Master project. However, you used RA0, RA1 in the Slave project. While importing the settings from the Master project, a pop-up appears indicating the conflicts in ownership for RA0, RA1 since the configuration fuses relating to the ownership of these pins are assigned to the Master core. You can either choose to override the pin settings from the Master core or retain it by rejecting the changes.


If you choose to override the pin settings, all the pins that are shown as conflicts will be deselected. However, if you choose to ignore the warning, the pin settings will be retained and notifications for the same will be displayed in the Notifications [MCC] tab.


 Learn More


Exporiting Slave Configuration Data
Configuring the Slave Project


Step-by-Step Example

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