16-Bit PIC® MCU Peripherals

Every 16-Bit PIC® MCU or dsPIC® device is equipped with a variety of hardware peripherals. Having an understanding of the peripheral's operations and details on their functional use can be helpful for application designers. The following table contains a list of peripherals available on the latest 16-bit PIC MCU devices. We have provided links further down the page to descriptions of the operation and use of the peripherals as well as sample code.

The MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) can help produce peripheral initialization code for 8-bit and 16-bit devices.


Peripheral Index

Digital I/O
I/O Ports Digital Input and Output Pins
Intelligent Analog
ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter General-purpose ADC with up to 10/12/16-bit resolution
HS ADC: High-speed Analog-to-
Digital Converter
High-speed SAR ADC with 12-bit resolution and sampling speeds of 10 Msps
Delta Sigma ADC Bipolar differential inputs configurable gain integrated PGA Delta Sigma ADC
DAC Digtal-to-Analog Converter General-purpose DAC with up to 16-bits of resolution.
CVref Internal Voltage Reference Programmable voltage reference with multiple internal and external connections.
HS Comp: High-Speed Comparator General-purpose comparator with <1 ns response time
OPA: Operational Amplifier General-purpose op amp for internal and external signal source conditioning
Waveform Control
(Enhanced) Capture/Compare/PWM
Multi-purpose timers with functionality of comparable input capture,
output compare, and PWM with four outputs.
SCCP: Single
Multi-purpose 16-/32-bit input capture, output compare, PWM
MCCP: Multiple _ Capture/Compare/PWM Multi-purpose 16-/32-bit input capture, output compare, PWM with up to six outputs and an extended range of output control features.
PWM Pulse Width Modulation 16-bit PWM with up to nine independent time bases
Motor Control PWM
16-bit Motor control PWM with multiple synchronized pulse-width modulation, up to six outputs with four duty cycle generators with resolutions down to 1 ns
Power Supply PWM
Power Supply PWM with multiple synchronize pulse-width modulation, up eight outputs with four independent times bases with resolution down to 1 ns
Input Capture Input capture with an independent timer base to capture external events
Output Compare Output compare with an independent time base to compare the value with compare registers and generate an output pulse, or train of pulses, on a compare match event.
Timing and Measurement
8-/16-/32-bit Timers General-purpose timer/counters with compare capability
Real-Time Clock/Calendar
Real-time clock and calendar with a binary coded decimal (BCD) clock calendar to maintain accurate timing with an external 32.768 kHz crystal
Quadrature Encoder Interface
Quadrature encoder interface to increment encoders for obtaining mechanical position data
Safety and Monitoring
Low Voltage Detection
LVD detects drops in system voltages. Useful for battery applications.
WDT: Watch Dog Timer Supervisory circuit that generates a reset when software timing sequence anomalies arise.
DMT: Dead Man Timer Supervisory circuit that generates a reset when instruction sequence anomalies arise.
Cyclical Redundancy Check
Automatically calculates CRC checksum for either Progam/EEPROM
memory or a communications packet.
Class B Safety Hardware Class B support with Flash error correction, backup system oscillator, WDT, DMT, CRC, etc..
USB: Universal Serial Bus USB 2.0 full-speed host, device and OTG peripheral
CAN: Controller Area Network Industrial and Automotive-centric communications bus.
UART Full-duplex, 8- or 9-bit serial data communications peripheral
LIN: Local Interconnect Network Automotive and Industrial communications bus.
IrDA Infrared Data Association IrDA encoder and decoder using UART
I²C: Inter-Integrated Circuit 2-wire industry-standard interface
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface 4-wire industry-standard communication interface
I²S: Data Converter Interface 3-wire synchronous half-duplex serial interface to handle the stereo data
Parallel Port General-purpose parallel communication interface
User Interface
CTMU Charge Time Measurement Unit - for capacitive touch
LCD Controller
GFX: Graphics Controller Controller for Raster Graphics processing
Secure Data
Cryptographic Engine Independent NIST-standard encryption and decryption engine
Secure Key Storage Multiple options for key storage, selection, and management
RNG: Random Number Generator Hardware true random number generation
System Flexibility & Power Management
Dual Partition Flash Dual partition Flash operation, allowing the support of robust bootloader systems and fail-safe storage of application code, with options designed to enhance code security
CLC: Configurable Logic Cell Integrated combinational and sequential logic with custom interconnection and re-routing of digital peripherals
PPS: Peripheral Pin Select I/O pin remapping of digital peripherals for greater design flexibility and improved EMI board layout
PTG: Peripheral Trigger Generator User-programmable sequencer, capable of generating complex trigger signal sequences to coordinate the operation of other peripherals
DMA: Direct Memory Access Direct memory access for transfer of data between the CPU and its peripherals without CPU assistance
Sleep, Idle, and PMD Low-power saving modes
DOZE mode Ability to run the CPU core slower than the system clock used by the internal peripherals
XLP: eXtreme Low Power Technology XLP technology devices with extreme low-power operation modes for battery/low power applications
Vbat Hardware-based power mode that maintains only the most critical operations when a power loss occurs on Vdd
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