Software Development for 16-bit PIC® MCUs

Software development for PIC24 and dsPIC3x devices is supported by the following Microchip supplied tools:


  • MPLAB X is a full-featured, no cost, integrated software development environment offering a comprehensive set of development and debugging features.
  • Supported on Microsoft Windows®, Linux®, and Apple OS X® operating systems.
  • Download from the download link at the bottom of this page.
  • A tutorial is available to help you get started developing applications.

Microchip Code Configurator (MCC)

  • MCC is a graphical programming environment plug-in to MPLAB X, which generates and inserts easy to understand C code into a project.
  • It generates the setup and initialization code for the MCU peripherals without having to bit-bang any of the MCU's special function registers.
  • The free MCC plug-in is installed directly from the MPLAB X IDE user interface.
  • A series of videos are available to help you get started developing applications.

MPLAB XC16 C Compiler

  • ANSI compliant C compiler supporting all 16-bit PIC MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs.
  • Seamlessly integrates into MPLAB X IDE.
  • Supported on Microsoft Windows®, Linux®, and Apple® OS X operating systems.
  • Offers different optimization levels (free version includes at least one level of optimization).
  • Download from the download link at the bottom of this page.

Microchip Libraries for Applications (MLA)

  • Fully functional example PIC MCU projects for USB, graphics, TCP/IP, Touch Sense, smartphone, and other advanced applications.
  • Delivered as ready-to-build MPLAB X IDE projects with the source code included.
  • Projects can be easily modified to meet your application requirements.
  • Supports multiple MCUs and development boards.
  • Download from the download link at the bottom of this page.

16-bit Software Downloads

Tool About Installers
Windows Linux Mac OSX
Integrated Development Environment
C Compiler
Microchip Libraries for Applications

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PIC 16-bit Architecture
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PIC 16-bit Peripherals
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Microchip 16-bit MCU Families
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