Cortex®-M0+ Debug Acess Port (DAP)

The ARM® Cortex®-M0+ Debug Acess Port (DAP) enables communication between the core and the device pins during debug.

The Debug Access Port enables the following:

  • Halting, resuming, and single stepping of program execution
  • Access to processor core registers and special registers
  • On-the-fly memory access
  • Data watchpoints
  • HW/SW breakpoints
  • PC sampling for basic profiling
Click image to enlarge.

The Data Watchpoint Unit (DWT) is a debug unit that provides up to 2 watchpoints for data tracing and system profiling (CPU statistics, PC sampler).

The Breakpoint Unit (BPU) allows up to four Hardware breakpoints to generate debug events

The Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) provides a simple instruction trace. It uses a small portion of SRAM for the trace buffer.

The Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port consists of three pins.


Unlike the other SAM micros, the SAM D, SAM L, and SAM C micros (Cortex-M0+ based) do not implement the JTAG interface. It is SWD only.

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