PIC32MZ DA MCU Family Reference

This page connects you with all the information you need to evaluate and design with Microchip's 32-bit PIC32MZ DA family of microcontrollers.

Family Overview

PIC32MZ DA The PIC32MZ DA series offers MPU-like performance with ease of design of an MCU for GUI designs with its 2 MB Flash and 640 KB of SRAM, available on-chip 32 MB or 128 MB externally addressable DDR2 DRAM, integrated Graphics Controller, Graphics Processor, 200 MHz speed, 12-bit 18 MSPS ADC module with up to 45 analog inputs, 10/100 Ethernet, CAN and high-speed USB.

Use the parametric search engine to see device-specific details:
PIC32MZ parametric search >

Family Specialty:

  • Integrated Graphics Controller, Graphics Processor, and DDR2 controller
  • 32 MB of on-chip DDR2 or up to 128 MB off-chip
  • Ethernet, high-speed USB, and CAN
  • Crypto Engine

Popular Development Boards

Tool About Purchase
PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with Stacked DRAM (DA)
Starter Kit
PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with External DRAM (DA)
Starter Kit
PIC32 Multimedia Expansion Board II (v5)
For PIC32 Starter Kits

All 32-bit MCU boards >

Software Development

Tool About Installers
Windows Linux Mac OSX
Integrated Development Environment
C/C++ Compiler
MPLAB® Harmony 2.xx
Integrated Software Framework
Tool About Purchase
In-Circuit Emulator
In-Circuit Debugger
PICkit™ 3
In-Circuit Debugger

Training & References

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