PIC32MX Configuration Registers

PIC32MX Configuration Registers

This list shows all the device configuration registers for the PIC32MX devices. The purpose of this list is to help you understand what these registers control. Please see the device data sheet (Special Features section) for details.

Register Bits found in register
Device Configuration Word0
Code-Protect bit
Boot Flash Write-Protect bit
Program Flash Write-Protect bits
In-Circuit Emulator/Debugger Communication Channel Select bit
Background Debugger Enable bits
Device Configuration Word1
Watchdog Timer Enable bit
Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits
Clock Switching and Monitor Selection Configuration bits
Peripheral Bus Clock Divisor Default Value bits
CLKO Enable Configuration bit
Primary Oscillator Configuration bits
Internal External Switchover bit
Secondary Oscillator Enable bit
Oscillator Selection bits
Device Configuration Word2
PLL Output Divider bits
USB PLL Enable bit
USB PLL Input Divider bits
PLL Multiplier bits
PLL Input Divider bits
Device Configuration Word3
USB VBUSON Selection bit
USB USBID Selection bit
CAN I/O Pin Selection bit
Ethernet I/O Pin Selection bit
Ethernet MII Enable bit
Shadow Register Interrupt Priority Select bits
16-bit user-defined USERID bit readable via ICSP™ and JTAG
Device ID and Revision ID Register
Revision Identifier bits
Device ID bits
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