MPU Debug Probes


This training is for the embedded systems software developer who wishes to use the MPLAB® Harmony 3 Software Framework or Embedded Linux® with Microchip Technology’s 32-bit Microprocessor Units (MPUs) (SAM9x60, SAMA5D2).

MPUs contain dedicated Debug and Test circuity used for standard debugging functions such as downloading code and single-stepping through programs. An external host computer with an external interface device called a Debug Probe communicates with the target device. This training topic explains two popular external interfaces used for MPU development.

Subjects covered in this topic:

J-Link On-Board Debug Probe


The Segger J-Link On-Board (OB) Debug Probe is included on Microchip’s MPU evaluation kits. The J-Link OB provides debugging/programming and a virtual COM port from a single USB port. J-Link OB is fully supported and integrated into the MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE).


  • Debug support
  • Download into Flash memory
  • JTAG: Joint Test Action Group
  • SWD: Serial Wire Debug
  • Virtual COM Port (CDC Class)

The J-Link OB can be disabled by jumper settings with no impact on the rest of the evaluation kit.

SAM9X60-EK Evaluation Kit

ATSAMA5D27-SOM1-EK1 Evaluation Kit

Segger J-Link OB - The On-Board Debug Probe

J-32 Debug Probe


The Microchip J-32 Debug Probe is an external debugger/programmer for Microchip’s 32-bit MCU and MPU devices. The J-32 Debug Probe is fully supported and integrated into the MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE).


  • Debug support
  • Download into Flash memory
  • JTAG: Joint Test Action Group
  • SWD: Serial Wire Debug

In addition, Segger provides the following free software tools:

  • SystemView: Provides runtime recording and captures tasks, interrupts, timers, API calls, and user events and provides live analysis of captured information.
  • J-Scope: Displays runtime data of multiple variables in an oscilloscope format. Each variable can be individually manipulated with familiar oscilloscope controls and features.
  • Remote Server: Allows the J-32 Debug Probe to debug from anywhere in the world. This is especially useful when your software expert needs to resolve development or product issues in another region.
  • J-Mem: Permits direct RAM and Special Function Register (SFR) modifications without an IDE. Memory can be displayed in an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit format and can be exported to a BIN file.

Part Number: DV164232
Microchip's DV164232 J-32 Debug Probe
Segger's J-Link - Support for Microchip J-32


Microchip Technology offers two Debug Probe options for MPU development. The Segger J-Link OB is included on Microchip’s MPU evaluation kits. There is nothing more you have to buy. The Microchip J-32 is an external Debug Probe with additional software tools available from Segger. Both are fully supported and integrated into the MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

What’s Next?

SAM9X60-EK Evaluation Kit

ATSAMA5D27-SOM1-EK1 Evaluation Kit

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