Install the MPLAB® Harmony 3 Software Framework for MPU Development


This training is for the embedded systems software developer who wishes to use MPLAB® Harmony 3 Software Framework with Microchip Technology’s 32-bit Microprocessor Units (MPUs) (SAM9x60, SAMA5D2). No prior knowledge of Harmony or MPUs is assumed.

In this training, you will use MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager, as a plugin to MPLAB X IDE, to download the software packages (also known as modules) needed for MPU software development with the Harmony 3 Software Framework.

MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager

MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager (MHCM) is a graphical tool for the selection, downloading, and maintaining MPLAB Harmony 3 software packages (also known as libraries or modules) from the MPLAB Harmony 3 GitHub repository. MHCM is available as a plugin for MPLAB X IDE or as a standalone application.

Instructions on how to download and run the Content Manager in stand-alone mode are available in the Content Manager GitHub pages.

GitHub Repository:
GitHub Pages:

Subjects covered in this training:


Introduction to MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework for MPUs

Install the MPLAB® Harmony 3 Launcher Plugin

Download the Harmony 3 Software Framework

In this section, you will download MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework to your computer using MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager as a plugin to MPLAB X IDE.

The examples shown are made using the Windows® version of MPLAB X IDE. The macOS® and Linux versions operate in a similar manner.


From the MPLAB X IDE menu bar select Tools > Embedded and MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager from the drop-down menu. An intermediate MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager window will open.



The intermediate window is confirming where you would like to place the framework and the location of the GitHub repository.

Framework Path is the directory you would like to place the MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework on your computer. For Windows, the Content Manager will default to C:\Users\<user>\Harmony 3. Choose the directory location that you would like or accept the default location.

Take note of the directory where MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework is stored on your computer. You will need to refer to it as you develop with the framework.

The remote URL is the location of the GitHub repository for MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework.

Click on the Next button. The Content Manager will start.


The default Remote URL will point to the MPLAB Harmony GitHub repository. The alternate Remote URL points to the gitee repository.


As MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager starts, it first establishes a connection to the GitHub repository and loads catalog information.

When the Content Manager window opens, it initially displays the available Remote Packages that are available for 32-bit MCU and MPU development.

At the top-left of the Content Manager window, there are three buttons:

  • Remote Packages: Displays the available packages to download. Note that packages downloaded to your computer will not display in this mode.
  • Local Packages: Displays the packages that have been downloaded to your computer.
  • Application Browser: Displays the available individual application modules that are in the csp_apps_ and core_apps_ packages. Application modules serve as examples and demonstrations for the chip support package (csp) and core (core) modules.


Observe that Remote Packages is selected. Also, there are packages that have been selected by default.


Select the following packages for MPU development:

  • core
  • core_apps_sam_9x60
  • core_apps_sam_a5d2
  • csp
  • csp_apps_sam_9x60
  • csp_apps_sam_a5d2
  • bsp
  • dev_packs
  • mhc
  • quick_docs


Observe that some packages have dependencies. When you click on the Download button, and if you have not selected the dependent package(s), you will be prompted to include them.



Observe the information button (a round black “i” icon) next to the package. Clicking on the “i” icon will open the GitHub repository readme webpage.


Once you have selected the packages you would like to download, click on Download Selected to begin. Alternately, you can individually click on the Download button to the right of the package. A License window will appear.



Please read and accept the license(s). Click on the Next button. A progress graph will display the download progress.



Once the selected packages have been downloaded, you can view them by clicking on the Local Packages button in the top-left corner of the window.



You can also view/select the version of the software package by clicking on the down arrow next to the version number. The latest version is downloaded by default.



You may close the MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager window.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded the MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework libraries (also known as packages or modules) required for MPU development to your computer.


In this training, you downloaded the MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework libraries (also known as packages or modules) required for MPU development to your computer using MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager.

What’s Next?

If you would like to jump right in and get started with MPU Development with MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework:

Are you an MCU developer new to MPUs?

Learn more about the MPLAB ecosystem in the following topics:

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