SAM9X60-EK -- Features


This topic describes the features of the SAM9X60-EK evaluation kit with links to additional information.

Features Summary

The major features of the SAM9X60-EK evaluation kit are:



The SAM9X60 is a high-performance, ultra-low-power ARM926EJ-S CPU-based embedded microprocessor (MPU). Its features include:

  • 600 MHz ARM926EJ-S Core
  • 64 KB SRAM
  • LCD Controller
  • 2D Graphics Processor Unit
  • Dual 10/100 Ethernet
  • Dual CAN
  • Camera Interface

Mass Storage


There is one mass storage option available on the baseboard.

SD Multimedia Card (SDMMC) (J4)

J4 is a MultiMediaCard (MMC) or Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card slot. J4 is connected to the SDMMC port 0 (SDMMC0) peripheral of the SAM9X60-EK.



The SAM9X60-EK provides wired communications via Ethernet, USB, CAN. It also has the capability of adding an ATWIL3000 Wi-Fi®/Bluetooth® wireless module.

Ethernet (J5)

The SAM9X60-EK contains an Ethernet MAC peripheral. It is connected to a 10Base T/100Base-TX Ethernet physical layer transceiver, KSZ8081RNA. A unique EUI-48™ MAC address is provided by a Serial EEPROM, 24AA025E48.

Dual Controller Area Network (CAN) (J6)

The SAM9X60-EK features a dual CAN peripheral J6. It is connected to two MCP2542 transceivers.

USB (J7 and J8)

The SAM9X60-EK features three USB communication ports named USB-A, USB-B, and USB-C.

  • The USB-A port acts only as a USB device interface and is accessed via USB Micro-B connector J7.

USB-A (J7) is the default serial port used to communicate with the SAM-BA Monitor resident on the MPU.

USB-A (J7) port also acts as a source of power supply to the board. For more information on how to power the baseboard, see the "Power Options" section below.

  • The USB-B and USB-C ports are connected to the stacked USB Type-A connecter (J8). Each port can act both as a device and as a host.

Wireless Connectivity

The user can add wireless connectivity to the SAM9X60-EK by soldering a ATWILC3000 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Low Energy module with an integrated chip antenna. ATWILC3000 is a single-chip IEEE 802.11 b/g/n RF/Baseband/MAC link controller and Bluetooth 5 Low Energy.



There are two methods of debugging the SAM9X60-EK: serial Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) debug port and JTAG.

Serial Debug Port (J24)

The SAM9X60-EK features a dedicated serial port for debugging through J24. You will need a Serial-to-USB adapter to connect the Serial Debug Port to a personal computer.

JTAG (J23)

A JTAG interface to the SAM9X60-EK is provided by 20-pin connector J23. This facilitates software development and debugging by connecting an external JTAG debugger.

J-Link Onboard (J22)

The baseboard contains an onboard SEGGER J-Link debugger. Microcontroller ATSAM3U4C (U27) and support circuitry contain JTAG and J-Link functionality. U27 provides USB CDC class serial communications via micro-B USB connector J22. This port acts as a power source to the U27 block and helps to program and debug the MPU.

Debug Jumpers

J20: Open (default)

J-Link on-board interface is enabled.

J21: Open (default)

UART communication (CDC) between MPU and SAM3U MCU (U27) is enabled.

For more information on all baseboard jumpers, see the "Jumpers" section below.

User Interface


Audio Class D Connector (J12)

The Audio Class D (CLASSD) Amplifier (J12) is a digital input, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output stereo Class D amplifier. The input is compatible with the most common audio data rates. The PWM output can drive either Audio DAC or a Class D power amplifier. Refer to the SAM9X60 datasheet for more information.

GPIO/Raspberry Pi Connector(J16)

The SAM9X60-EK contains a 40-pin GPIO connector (J16) for use. This connector is compatible with the Raspberry Pi expansion header.

Image Sensor Interface (J17)

The Image Sensor Interface (ISI) connects a CMOS-type image sensor to the processor and provides image capture in various formats. The SAM9X60-EK board contains an ISI connector that supports a 12-bit external camera. J17 is a 30-pin (2x15), 2.54-mm pitch header. It gives access to ISI I/O signals.

ISI and LCD interfaces are mutually exclusive and should be used one at a time.

Red-Green-Blue (RGB) LED (LD1)

The SAM9X60-EK board features one RGB LED (LD1). It can be controlled by the user via GPIO, PWM I/O pins.

Pushbuttons (SW1-SW4)

The SAM9X60-EK baseboard contains four pushbuttons:

  • USER_BTN (SW1): User push button which is available for user’s usage.
  • WAKE_UP (SW2): Wake Up will wake up the processor when it has been shut down by software.
  • nRST (SW3): Reset push button, when pressed the system resets.
  • DIS_BOOT(SW4): If kept pressed during power-up, the processor is prevented from booting off the on-board memories (QSPI and NAND Flash), thereby booting from other sources or into ROM code.

LCD Interface (J15)


The SAM9X60-EK contains a 24-bit LCD Interface, that supports a variety of LCD Displays. The Liquid Crystal Display Controller (LCDC) I/O lines are available on the baseboard 50-pin Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) / Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) connector J15. The LCD connector J15 is on the bottom of the SAM9X60-EK board.

Display such as AC320005-5, which is a High-performance WVGA Display Module with Max Touch can be connected.

A 50-pin FFC/FPC cable is included with the SAM9X60-EK kit.

ISI and LCD interfaces are mutually exclusive and should be used one at a time.



mikroBUS™ (J14)

mikroBUS™ socket is a proprietary communication and plugin standard for small interface boards called click Boards™ that extends the capabilities of the development board by offering Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), UART, TWI, and PWM based sensors and devices. They are made by MikroElektronika, a producer and retailer of hardware and software tools for developing embedded systems.

Power Options


The SAM9X60-EK can be powered by one of two methods:

  • J1: An external power jack to supply +5 VDC via a 2.1 mm center-positive plug
  • J7: Powered through the USB Micro-B connector USB port A

USB-A (J7) is the default serial port used to communicate with the SAM-BA Monitor resident on the MPU.

Jumper Summary

The figure below lists all the jumpers of the SAM9X60-EK and their default positions.


What’s Next?

After you have familiarized yourself with the Features of the SAM9X60-EK, you may wish to proceed to learn how to Boot Demo Linux Image onto the development board.

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