Delta-Sigma ADC

Microchip's Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) families offer 16- to 24-bits of resolution with sampling rates from 4 sps to over 100 ksps. Family features include low-power operation, low output noise, and choices of I²C and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). High integration, including on-board voltage references and Programmable Gain Amplifiers (PGAs) as well as small packagings such as SOT-23 and Dual Flat No Leads (DFN) allow for high-density solutions.

Delta-sigma ADC Target Applications

Featured Delta-sigma ADC Product: MCP3421

  • 18-bit Delta-sigma ADC
  • Space-saving 6-pin SOT-23 packaging
  • On-board reference and PGA
  • 145 μA low current operation

MCP3421 Weight Scale Demonstration Board (MCP3421DM-WS)

The MCP3421 Weight Scale demo board is designed to provide a convenient means to evaluate the performance of the low power consumption 18-bit ADC in an electronic weight scale design. Next to the MCP3421, there is a low noise, auto-zero MCP6V07 op amp. This can be used to investigate the impact of extra gain added before the ADC for performance improvement. A PIC18F4550 MCU controls the LCD and the USB communication with the PC. The GUI is used to indicate the performance parameters of the design and for calibration of the weight scale.

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