Interface LCD with SAM L22 MCU Tutorial: Step 1

Step 1.1: Create an Advanced Software Framework (ASF) project using Atmel Studio IDE


Create or navigate to a folder of your choice where you would want to place lab.

Extract the ZIP file you downloaded to this folder. See Lab Source Files and Solutions for descriptions of the files and folders found in this ZIP file.


Under the current folder, create a folder structure dev/saml22_slcd. The lab will be developed in this folder.

Atmel Studio will create a sub-folder saml22_slcd_lab inside dev/saml22_slcd.


Start Atmel Studio and create a new project by selecting File > New > Project.



In the New Project dialog, select 'GCC C ASF Board Project'.


Specify the following in the New Project dialog (see below):
• Name: saml22_slcd_lab
• Location: <Folder of your Choice>/dev/saml22_slcd
• Solution: 'Create new solution'
• Solution name: saml22_slcd_lab



After clicking OK, the Board Selection dialog will be opened.


In the Board Selection dialog, Choose the 'Select By Device' radio button, and select 'SAML22' from the 'Device Family' drop down menu.



Under SAML22 > Device Family, select the device to be used by clicking on the name 'ATSAML22N18A'.


Clicking on device name 'ATSAML22N18A' will show the names of the supported boards for the selected device. Select the board to be used by clicking on 'SAML22 Xplained Pro - ATSAML22N18A' and press the Ok button.
Notice the various supported debug tools in the right pane of the Board Selection dialog. The board SAML22 Xplained Pro - ATSAML22N18A is shipped with EDBG firmware, therefore EDBG could be used as the programming/debugging tool.



After clicking the Ok button, the project will be created and opened. You will see the ASF Wizard dialog and the Solution Explorer on the right pane.

If you close the ASF Wizard window, you can re-open by right clicking on the solution name 'saml22_slcd_lab' under Solution Explorer > ASF Wizard.

Next Step >

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