Atmel-ICE Debugger

Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming Arm® Cortex®-M based Atmel SAM microcontrollers and also Atmel AVR® microcontrollers with On-Chip Debug (OCD) capability. Both Atmel Studio 7 and MPLAB® X IDE support the Atmel-ICE.



  • Fully compatible with Atmel Studio
  • Supports programming and debugging of all Atmel AVR UC3 32-bit microcontrollers on both JTAG and aWire interfaces
  • Supports programming and debugging of all 8-bit AVR XMEGA® devices on both JTAG and PDI 2-wire interfaces
  • Supports programming (JTAG and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)) and debugging (JTAG or debugWIRE) of all 8-bit Atmel megaAVR® and tinyAVR® devices with OCD
  • Supports programming (TPI) of all Atmel tinyAVR 8-bit microcontrollers with support for this interface
  • Supports programming and debugging of all SAM ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers on both SWD and JTAG interfaces
  • Target operating voltage range of 1.62 V to 5.5 V
  • Draws less than 3 mA from target VTref when using debugWIRE interface and less than 1 mA for all other interfaces
  • Supports JTAG clock frequencies from 32 kHz to 7.5 MHz
  • Supports PDI clock frequencies from 32 kHz to 7.5 MHz
  • Supports debugWIRE baud rates from 4 kbit/s to 0.5 Mbit/s
  • Supports aWire baud rates from 7.5 kbit/s to 7 Mbit/s
  • Supports SPI clock frequencies from 8 kHz to 5 MHz
  • Supports SWD clock frequencies from 32 kHz to 2 MHz
  • USB 2.0 high-speed host interface
  • ITM serial trace capture at up to 3 MB/s
  • Supports 10-pin 50-mil JTAG connector with both AVR and Cortex pinouts.

System Requirements:

  • Atmel Studio version 6.2 or later is installed on your computer.
  • Connected to the host computer using the USB cable provided, or a certified USB-micro cable.

Atmel-ICE versions:



The PCBA kit contains:

  • Atmel-ICE unit without plastic case

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The basic kit contains:

  • Atmel-ICE unit (PCBA and Plastic Enclosure)
  • USB cable (1.8m, high-speed, micro-B)
  • IDC flat cable with 10-pin 50-mil connector and 6-pin 100-mil connector

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Full Kit


The full kit contains:

  • Atmel-ICE unit (PCBA and Plastic Enclosure)
  • USB cable (1.8m, high-speed, micro-B)
  • Adapter board containing 50-mil AVR, 100-mil AVR/SAM, and 100-mil 20-pin SAM adapters
  • IDC flat cable with 10-pin 50-mil connector and 6-pin 100-mil connector
  • 50-mil 10-pin mini squid cable with 10 x 100-mil sockets

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Atmel-ICE Operator Manual

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