Creating Applications using START

This page provides an introduction to creating a new Atmel project using START. For information on looking for and opening an pre-written START project, please visit the Opening Exisitng START projects page.


From the START home page ( click on the "CREATE NEW PROJECT" button.


You will be taken to START's project page. You will be able to create projects for either a Microchip supplied development/evaluation board or a board of your own design. The project will include drivers for all the peripherals your application uses as well as any Microchip supplied middleware you may need.

The project page has two sections; the Filter and the Results


Filter Section

The Filter Section is where you will select:

  • The amount of program and data memory needed by you application program
  • The peripherals drivers your application will use.
  • Any Microchip supplied middleware such as USB or TCP/IP stacks

Result Section

This section shows the real-time results of applying the Filter values to the portfolio of products. As you refine the filters, the list of MCUs and development boards matching the criteria will become smaller.

You will be given the choice of selecting either an MCU or a development board the target for the application. If you are using an MCU on a board of your design, or the development board you have is not on the list then you should select the MCU. If you are developing an application using a Microchip supplied board which is on the list, select the board.


Select the MCU or a Development Board ?

Start projects are all based on a specific MCU. Projects are built for development boards run on the MCU on the board and include the configuration of the I/O pins and the MCU clocking system. Development board based projects can be downloaded and run without modifications.

Projects created for MCUs do not include pin mapping or any system clocking selects. These items must be configured from the Project Dashboard before the project can be run

Once you have selected the target, click on the green "Create New Project" button located in the lower right-hand corner. You will then be taken to the Project Dashboard


Project Dashboard

The project dashboard allows you to view the code in your project, modify the pin assignments, and select the system clock parameters. You can then either save the configuration or export the project.


Saving the Configuration

When the configuration is saved. a file containing all the parameters for building the project (*.astart) is created and downloaded to your computer. From you have the option of opening a saved configuration by selecting the blue "Load Project from File" option.


Exporting the Project

The export function creates a project and with the appropriate source and headers files. The project is placed in an .atzip file and downloaded to your computer. Through Atmel Studio IDE you can open and run the project.

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