Atmel® Studio 7

Atmel® Studio 7 is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging SMART ARM®-based and AVR® microcontroller (MCU) applications. Studio 7 supports all AVR and SMART MCUs. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. It also connects seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits.


Additionally, Atmel Studio includes Gallery, an online apps store that allows you to extend your development environment with native and third-party tools and embedded software vendor developed plug-ins. Atmel Studio 7 can also seamlessly import your Arduino sketches as C++ projects, providing a simple transition path from Makerspace to Marketplace.

Atmel Studio 7 Introduction

Key Features

  • Support for 300+ AVR and SMART ARM-based devices
  • Vast source code library, including drivers, communication stacks, 1,600+ project examples with source code, graphics services and touch functionality through Atmel Software Framework (ASF)
  • IDE extensions through Gallery, the online apps store, for native and third-party development tools and embedded software.
  • Tune capacitive touch designs, validate system performance, monitor power consumption, and real-time data and trace graphing with QTouch® Composer
  • Configure and test the performance of wireless designs with the Wireless Composer running on the target
  • Write and debug C/C++ and assembly code with the integrated compiler
  • Advanced debugging features include complex data breakpoints, nonintrusive trace support (SAM3 and SAM4 devices), statistical code profiling, interrupt trace/monitoring, polled data tracing (Cortex-M0+ devices), real-time variable tracking with optional timestamping, and integration of Percepio® Tracealyzer for leading-edge debug data visualization and RTOS awareness
  • Integrated editor with visual assist
  • New project wizard allowing projects created from scratch or from a large library of design examples
  • In-system programming and debugging provides interface to in-circuit programmers and debuggers
  • Create transparent debug views into CPU and peripherals for easy code development and debugging
  • Full chip simulation for an accurate model of CPU, interrupts, peripherals, and external stimuli
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