UI Setup


Connect to BM70

Connect the BM70 PICtail to your PC. Ensure the jumpers are set as shown.



COM Port

Open the Device Manager window by going to Start Menu > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound and then selecting 'Device Manager'. Once open, check which COM Port has been assigned to the BM70 PICtail. In this case, it is COM18. Please note that yours will probably be different.



Test Mode

Place the module in Test Mode by setting SW7 in the ON position, then press Reset (SW5) to reset the module.


The module's basic operating mode (Test/Application) is sampled and established on a module reset condition. We recommend pressing the Reset (SW5) push-button whenever SW7 is first changed, or when you want to be sure that SW7 is sampled and applied by the module.

With jumper JP8 shorted, LED0 will be lit (BLUE) indicating the module is in Test Mode, as shown above.


Launch the User Interface Configuration Tool

After extracting files from the User Interface (UI) Configuration Tool ZIP file, double-click on the application file called IS187x_102_BLEDK3_UI v100.132.exe to launch the utility.

Immediately after launch, the Start Menu window will pop up. Before we can do anything with this tool, we must load a UI parameter table. One way to load the UI parameters is by using an existing UI text file.

Click on Load in the Start Menu window.



Load Text File

Selecting Load Text File will open up another window. Choose the IS1870SF_102_BLEDK3_UI v100.132(BM70) default text file and click Open.



Edit Text File

Once the text file has been loaded, the edit button will be enabled. Click on Edit.


When you press the edit button to start editing UI parameters, the Main Feature window will pop up. This is where you can select the target application. BLEDK3 supports all BLE operations, while the Beacon mode is used for non-connectable advertising only. If 'BeaconThings' is selected, the module will support both BLEDK and Beacon operations.

For the purposes of this demo, we will only select 'BLEDK 0x00: BM70' and then click OK.

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