BM70 Compact Demo Board User's Guide

Chapter 1. Overview


Figure 1-1: BM-70-CDB and Sensor Board

This article describes the hardware and software requirements for the BM70 Compact Demo Board (CDB), part number: BM-70-CDB. The BM-70-CDB enables the designer to evaluate and demonstrate the capabilities of the BM70 module.

The BM-70-CDB includes the following key features:

  • Integrated configuration and programming interface
  • LED and push button for prototype user inputs
  • MCP2200 USB to UART bridge for plug-and-play connectivity to host PC.

An additional RN4870 Sensor Board is included to demonstrate peripheral access using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). (Refer to Figure 1-1.) In addition to BM-70-CDB hardware, the following smartphone applications from Microchip are available on the Apple iTunes® and Google Play™ store to demonstrate the capabilities of the BM70 module:

  • SmartDiscover
  • SmartData
  • BLESensorApp

For more information on the BM70, refer to the “BM70/71 Bluetooth® Low Energy Module Data Sheet” (DS60001372) and the “BM70/71 Bluetooth® Low Energy Module User's Guide” (DS50002542), which are available for download from the Microchip product web page at


The BM-70-CDB is a versatile evaluation board for developing and prototyping Bluetooth Low Energy data applications. It can be powered via USB host or through the coin cell battery. The BM-70-CDB uses the BM70, a fully certified Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy module. The BM-70-CDB provides USB connectivity to connect to a host PC, a PC terminal utility and smartphone apps to evaluate both BLE serial data connections and custom BLE services.


The BM-70-CDB has the following features:

  • Fully certified Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 RF module
  • On-Board Dual In-Line Package (DIP) switch block to set operating modes
  • Embedded MCP2200 USB-UART bridge which provides the programming interface to update firmware and configuration settings.
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