BM70 Compact Demo Board User's Guide

Chapter 2. Interface Description


This chapter provides details on the components and the interface for the following boards:

  • BM-70-CDB
  • Sensor Board

2.2 BM-70-CDB

Figure 2-1: BM-70-CDB

Figure 2-1 shows the components of the BM-70-CDB. The CDB can be used in stand-alone mode powered by either an external USB or a coin cell battery.

2.2.1 Interface Description

  1. BM70 module
  2. Status indicator LED (LD2); for blink rate descriptions, refer to the “BM70/71 Bluetooth® Low Energy Module Data Sheet” (DS60001372)
  3. Push button for hardware Reset (SW1)
  4. Current measurement test point (J8)
  5. Header pins for coin cell battery connection (J6, close pins 1 and 2)
  6. Header pins for USB power (J6, close pins 3 and 2)
  7. MCP2200 - USB to UART bridge
  8. Micro USB connector
  9. DIP switches (SW2)
    • Switch 1 and 4 on SW2 can be used as user programmable switches.
    • Status switch (Switch 3 on SW2) enables/disables status LED (LD2)
    • Mode switch (Switch 2 on SW2) selects mode of operation (programming/application)
  10. CN1, CN2 and CN3 are header pins to the BM70 module pins. The header pins can be used to connect to the Sensor Board or as test points.

While updating the firmware on the BM-70-CDB, the J6 jumper pins 2 and 3 should be closed and jumper J8 (current measurement test point) should be closed. The jumpers J6 and J8 should not be disturbed during firmware update, otherwise the firmware could be corrupted.

2.3 Sensor Board

The BM-70-CDB includes the Sensor Board to demonstrate the peripheral I/O capabilities of the BM70. The Sensor Board components are illustrated in Figure 2-2.
The Sensor Board is an accessory designed for the BM-70-CDB to demonstrate digital and analog I/O capabilities over Bluetooth Low Energy connections. In order to use the Sensor Board with the BM-70-CDB, it must be configured as described in Chapter 5. “RN4870 Sensor Board".

Figure 2-2: RN4870 Sensor Board

2.3.1 Interface Descriptions

  1. Test Point for ADC channels of the BM70 module
  2. Variable Resistor to drive ADC0 input
  3. DIP Switch block to connect or disconnect sensors from the BM70 module
  4. LED connected to pin P22
  5. Light Sensor connected to ADC1 input
  6. Push Button connected to PIO2

All the switches on DIP switch block SW2 should be in ON position before running the demos in this document.

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