Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE)

Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) is the low-power extension to the Bluetooth 4.x Core Specification, extending the standard to cover ultra low-power, low-latency applications.

Microchip delivers the industry’s broadest range of Bluetooth certified solutions for your embedded design. All silicon, modules, and software carry the Qualified Design Identification (QDID) to ensure compatibility of your connected solution. Module designs are offered with Radio Frequency (RF) regulatory certifications or as non-certified (unshielded/antenna-less) for flexibility.

Bluetooth Low Energy Modules


RN-Series BLE Modules

BLE Stack exists on the module.

  • Simple ASCII command/data interface enables quick time to market.
  • Works with any MCU vendor.
  • Supports ALL PIC® MCU families.
Click image to enlarge.

BM-Series BLE Modules

BLE Stack exists on the module.

  • Binary mode (packet) Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) command/data interface for more complex applications.
  • Works with any MCU vendor.
  • Supports ALL PIC MCU families.
Click image to enlarge.
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