CryptoAuth Trust Platform

The CryptoAuth Trust Platform is the newest addition to the CryptoAuthentication™ evaluation kits and is part of the Trust Platform Design Tool Suite. This kit is used for exploring and implementing with the ATECC608A Trust&GO, TrustFLEX, and TrustCUSTOM products. The Trust&GO and TrustFLEX products have been developed in order to create an easy way to add hardware security to IoT Cloud solutions. Using these kits with the Microchip development tools and provisioning systems allows for even low volume customers to easily and readily implement security into their application.

This board has an onboard programmer and debugger. No external programmer or debugger is required.

User's Guide (Board Description and Schematics) and Design Documentation:

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Optional add-on boards

ATECC608A Trust


The ATECC608A Trust is an add-on board for the CryptoAuth Trust Platform and other Microchip development platforms that have a MikroElektronika mikroBUS header. This board provides an alternative to the ATECC608A devices found on the CryptoAuth Trust Platform, or sample units (requires a socket board), for doing the initial development and testing.

The ATECC608A Trust contains the ATECC608A secure elements: Trust&GO (ATECC608A-TNGTLS), TrustFLEX (ATECC608A-TFLXTLS), and TrustCUSTOM (ATECC608A-TCSM). This provides you with the ability to develop solutions with any of these secure elements based on the requirements of the application. See the Development Board Support Page for the User's Guide. It provides a physical overview of the connections and switch settings implemented on the board.

After an ATECC608A device is locked, it can not be reconfigured (for security reasons). This board provides easy access to eight additional ATECC608A devices.

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Secure UDFN Click board


The Secure Ultra-Dual Flat No Lead (UDFN) Click is a universal, socket-based click board from MikroElektronika. It is designed for the Microchip CryptoAuthentication devices in an 8-pin UDFN package.

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MikroElectronika Wi-Fi 7 (WINC1510) Click Board


The WiFi® 7 Click Board from MikroElectronika uses the ATWINC1510-MR210PB IEEE 802.11 b/g/n module, specifically optimized for low-power IoT applications. It is designed to run on a 3.3 V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI interface, with additional functionality provided by the following pins on the mikroBUS line: PWM, INT, RST.

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mikroBUS Xplained Pro


If you would like to evaluate a Trust Platform device with one of Microchip's Xplained Pro boards (e.g., SAM D21 Xplained Pro), you can use the mikroBUS Xplained Pro adaptor board. It provides a microBUS interface for the ATECC608A Trust or Secure UDFN Click boards.

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