Curiosity HPC Development Board

Your next embedded design idea has a new home! The Curiosity HPC (High Pin Count) Development Board is a cost-effective, fully integrated, 8-bit development platform targeted at first-time users, makers, and those seeking a feature-rich rapid prototyping board. Designed from the ground up to take full advantage of Microchip's MPLAB® X IDE, the Curiosity HPC Development Board includes an integrated programmer/debugger and requires only a USB-to-micro cable to get started. The board has both 28- and 40-pin sockets, for larger I/O device development.

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The Curiosity HPC (High Pin Count) Development Board is the perfect platform to harness the power of modern 28- and 40-pin 8-bit PIC® Microcontrollers. Its layout and external connections offer unparalleled access to the Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) available on many newer 8-bit PIC MCUs. These CIPs enable the user to integrate various system function into a single MCU, simplifying the design and keeping system power consumption and Bill of Materials (BOM) cost low.

Internet of Things

Have an IoT design idea? Curiosity can make it real. Out of the box, the development board offers several options for user interface - including physical switches, an mTouch capacitive button and an on-board potentiometer. A full complement of accessory boards is available via the MikroElectronika Mikrobus interface footprint. In addition, Bluetooth® Low Energy communication can easily be added using an available Microchip RN4020 module.

More Than a Starting Point

The Curiosity Development Board gives you more for your money. It can be operated as an all-in-one development platform, or it can be customized to suit your individual tastes. The Curiosity Development Board was designed to expand its capabilities as your needs grow.

  • Multiple Power Options – The Curiosity Development Board allows you to select from USB power, 5 V internal or 5 V external sources for the ultimate in flexibility.
  • Expansion with MikroBus – With the option to plug in MikroElectronika Click boards, the Curiosity Development Board gives you access to nearly 100 inexpensive add-on boards, which can add capabilities ranging from GPS to alcohol level sensing.

Key Features

  • Supports 28- or 40-pin 8-bit PIC Microcontrollers with low voltage programming capability
  • Integrated Programmer/Debugger with USB Interface
  • Integrates seamlessly with MPLAB X IDE and Code Configurator
  • Various user interface options - mTouch button, analog potentiometer, and physical switches
  • Mikrobus support with over 100 MikroElectronika Click add-on boards available

Note: The USB micro-B cable is required, but is not included with the board.

Documentation and Software

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