PIC32MM Curiosity Development Board

The PIC32MM Curiosity Development Board uses a PIC32MM0064GPL036 microcontroller. It has a MikroBus® expansion socket to add click boards™ from MicroElektronika. It also has a reset button, two general purpose push buttons, a Red/Green/Blue (RGB) LED, two general purpose indicator LEDs, and an analog potentiometer. Two female header strips provide access to the microcontroller I/O pins.

This board has an on-board programmer/debugger. No external programmer/debugger (e.g., ICD4) is required.

Quick start guide (description & schematics) and software examples:

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MikroElectronica Secure click board


The Secure click board from MikroElectronika carries the ATECC508A cryptographic coprocessor with secure hardware-based key storage. The click is designed to run on either a 3.3 V or a 5 V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over the I2C interface.

MikroElectronica Weather click board


The Weather click board from MikroElectronika detects humidity, pressure, and temperature, specifically designed for low current consumption and long-term stability. The click is designed to work on a 3.3 V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over the SPI or I2C interface.

MikroElectronica microSD click board


The microSD click board from MikroElectronika has a microSD card slot for microSD cards used as a mass storage media for portable devices. The microSD click is designed to run on a 3.3 V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI.

MikroElectronica USB UART click board


The USB UART click board from MikroElectronika uses an FT232RL USB-to-UART interface module and a USB mini-B connector. It communicates with a target board via a UART interface. The board is powered with a 5 V power supply, but is designed to use 3.3 V or 5 V I/O levels (selectable via SMD jumper).

MikroElectronica WiFi 7 (WINC1510) click board


The WiFi® 7 Click Board from MikroElectronika uses the ATWINC1510-MR210PB IEEE 802.11 b/g/n module, specifically optimized for low-power IoT applications. It is designed to run on a 3.3 V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI interface, with additional functionality provided by the following pins on the mikroBUS line: PWM, INT, RST.

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