SAM C21 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

The SAM C21 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit uses an ATSAMC21J18A MCU. It includes a user push button and LED, one QTouch® button, a current measurement header, three extension headers for connecting Xplained Pro extension boards, CAN and LIN connectors, and an Arduino® compatible header.

This board has an on-board programmer/debugger. No external programmer/debugger (e.g., SAM-ICE™) is required.

User's guide (board description & schematics) and design documentation:

Atmel START example projects:

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I/O1 Xplained Pro Extension Kit


The I/O1 Xplained Pro is an extension board to the Xplained Pro evaluation platform. It includes a microSD™ card, a temperature sensor, a light sensor, and more.

Atmel START example projects for this board

As of March 2018, there were 11 Atmel START example projects that use this board. To find all currently available example projects related to this board, go to the Atmel START homepage, click on BROWSE EXAMPLES, and select this board from the drop-down window.

Project Name Description
ADP HELLO WORLD DEMO The example sends "Hello, World!" to the terminal in Data Visualizer using SPI Master driver.
CALENDAR DEMO This example shows the use of the Calendar driver and alarms to blink LED0 every ten seconds.
EDBG UART The example application uses the Asynchronous USART driver to communicate with the console via EDBG Virtual COM Port. The example echoes received data back to the console.
EVENT SYSTEM The example project demonstrates the usage of event system operation with External Interrupt Controller and ADC peripherals. When it receives the external interrupt using onboard SW button it initiates the ADC conversion with the help of Event System peripheral. The output of ADC result is then printed on the serial console via USART.
IO1 XPLAINED DEMO This example reads information about current temperature and light level and sends it to the console every second. The USART driver is used to communicate with the console; the ADC driver is used to read data from the light sensor; the I2C Master driver is used to read data from the temperature sensor.
LED FLASHER This example periodically toggles the onboard LED marked as LED0.
LED SWITCHER This example toggles the onboard LED marked as LED0 every time the button SW0 is pressed.
PWM EXAMPLE This example periodically reads data from the light sensor using the ADC driver and uses read data to control PWM duty cycle.
RTOS DEMO After start-up, the application blinks the LED continuously. By inputting the character from the EDBG Virtual COM Port the LED changes its blinking state.
SAMC21 XPRO TOUCH PROJECT MUTUALCAP This example demonstrates the basic touch application where the onboard touch sensors are measured and the touch status is indicated using LED. The touch library parameters are also displayed in the data visualizer software when the hardware kit is connected through edbg/medbg virtual com port.
SAMC21 XPRO TOUCH PROJECT SELFCAP This example demonstrates the basic touch application where the touch sensors are measured and the touch status is indicated using LED on the QT1 extension board. The touch library parameters are also displayed in the data visualizer software when the hardware kit is connected through EDBG/MEDBG virtual com port. The example demonstrates wheel and two buttons in this example project excluding the slider on QT1 which is a legacy slider.
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