SAM C21N Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit
The SAM C21N Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit uses an ATSAMC21N18A MCU. It includes a user-push button and LED, one QTouch® button, a current measurement header, three extension headers for connecting Xplained Pro extension boards, CAN and LIN connectors, and an Arduino® compatible header.
This board has an on-board programmer/debugger. No external programmer/debugger (e.g., SAM-ICE™) is required.
Visit the development board support page for the user's guide (board description and schematics) as well as design documentation.
I/O1 Xplained Pro Extension Kit
The I/O1 Xplained Pro is an extension board to the Xplained Pro evaluation platform. It includes a microSD™ card, a temperature sensor, a light sensor, and more.
- See the development board support page for the user's guide.