SAMA5D4 Xplained Board

The SAMA5D4-XULT evaluation kit is a full-featured evaluation platform for the SAMA5D4 series ARM®-based microprocessor units (MPU). It allows you to extensively evaluate, prototype and create application-specific designs.

This evalutaion is based on the integration of an ARM Cortex®-A5-based microprocessor with external memory, one ethernet physical layer transceiver, two SD/MMC interfaces, two Host USB ports and one Device USB port, one 24-bit RGB LCD and HDMI interface and debug interfaces.Seven headers, compatible with Arduino R3 (Uno, Due) and two Xplained headers are available for various shield connections.


  • SAMA5D44 (361-ball BGA package), 16x16 mm body, pitch 0.8 mm
  • Main Memory:
    • 2 x DDR2 2 Gbit
    • SLC NAND Flash 4 GB
  • Access memories:
    • One optional Serial EEPROM SPI
    • EEPROM with MAC address and serial number
  • Connections:
    • USB: one micro-AB USB device port, two USB host ports with power switch
    • LCD interface connector, LCD TFT controller with overlay, alpha-blending, rotation, scaling and color space conversion.
    • HDMI interface and connector
    • Ethernet PHY (RMII10/100MHz)
  • Debug Port:
    • JTAG interface connector
    • EDBG interface with CDC
    • Serial Debug console interface (3.3 V Level)

More information can be found here:

SAMA5D4-Xplained Board

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