UPD301B Basic Source Application Example (EV56W72A)
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UPD301B Basic Source Application Example

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

The UPD301B Basic Source Application Example Evaluation Kit is a low-cost evaluation platform for Microchip’s UPD301B Standalone Programmable Source-Only USB Power Delivery (PD) Controller. This RoHS-compliant evaluation platform comes in a small form factor and adheres to the USB Type-C™ Connector Specification and USB PD 3.0 specification.

Powered by Microchip's versatile ​USB Power Delivery Software Framework (PSF), this evaluation platform provides a quick and easy way of incorporating a single source-only USB PD port capable of providing up to 100W of power in any application.

This application example supports up to seven configurable Power Delivery Objects (PDOs) including Augmented PDOs (APDOs) for Programmable Power Supply (PPS) applications. The platform can also support unique custom PDOs with the additional configuration of the PSF PD stack if required.

The UPD301B Basic Source Application Example powered by the PSF stack reduces the overall time-to-market for a range of consumer and industrial applications by providing full control of the software to the end-user. Some of the target application areas are:

  • Point-of-Sale Terminals
  • Charging Lockers
  • IoT Products and Sensors
  • Smart Speakers and Monitors
  • Conference Systems
  • Power Tools
  • Multi-port Charging Docks
  • Automotive Rear Seat Charging Ports

The system block diagram of the Basic Source Application Example is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: UPD301B Basic Source System Block Diagram

1.2 Kit Contents

The UPD301B Basic Source Application Example Evaluation Kit (EV56W72A) includes:

  • One UPD301B Basic Source Application Example
  • One PM-PD module, vertical mount (PMPD-VM-HOT)

The default PM-PD module in the kit is rated for 60W support. For 100W support, please use MIC2128 + UCS3205 PD 1 HOT PM-PD (EV04B27A).

1.3 Acronyms and Definitions

Acronym Definition
USB PD USB Power Delivery
PSF USB Power Delivery Software Framework
EVB Evaluation Board
DFP Downstream Facing Port
PDO Power Delivery Object, combination of voltage and current used broadcast the PD capabilities of the source/sink
GPIO General Purpose Input Output
PPS Programmable Power Supply; Allows for offering a range of voltage in a PDO (3.3V-21V) instead of a discrete voltage (5, 9, 15 or 20V)
PM-PD Microchip’s DC-DC converter module for PD solutions (Power Module for Power Delivery

1.4 Reference Documents

2 Getting Started

2.1 Quick Start

The UPD301B Basic Source Application Example comes pre-programmed with UPD301B_Basic_Source_AE demo and is pre-configured in a single-port USB PD Source mode. It can source up to 60W (20V, 3A) out of the box.

Following are the steps to get started with the UPD301B Basic Source Application Example:


Ensure that switch SW1 is in the OFF position.


Install the PM-PD module on J4 as illustrated in Section 2.2 PM-PD Module.


Connect a 24V Power Supply to J1. The power supply should be capable of providing up to 3A (for 60W operation) and 5A (for 100W operation).


Set switch SW1 to the ON position to activate the source application.


Connect a sink port partner (USB PD-capable phone, laptop, or peripheral) to J2 using a full-featured Power Delivery Type-C Cable.


The application example will first establish a 5V PD contract as soon as the sink port partner is attached. Based on the further PD negotiation, the PD contract may be revised to a higher voltage (9V, 15V, or 20V) supported by the sink port partner. Please refer Section 2.3 Voltage Meter LEDs.

Figure 2: Connectors and Interfaces
Reference Designator Component Type Label Description
SW1 2-position switch ON/OFF Power switch
J1 2-pin terminal block DC_IN DC Power input
J2 USB Type-C Receptacle Source-only PD port (No data)
J3 1x15 Header (2.54 mm) I2C MODE I2C controlled PM-PD module Socket (unpopulated)
J4 1x15 Header (2.54 mm) GPIO MODE GPIO controlled PM-PD module socket
J5 2x5 Header (1.27 mm) DBG I/F Atmel ICE programming interface. Please refer Section 3.1 Atmel ICE Programming and I2C Headers
J6 1x4 Header (1.27 mm) I2C UPD301B I2C slave interface. Please refer Section 3.1 Atmel ICE Programming and I2C Headers
Figure 3: Test Points
Reference Designator Component Type Label Description
TP1 Red Test Loop HV_INPUT System Input Voltage
TP2 Yellow Test Loop VBUS Source-only PD port VBUS
TP3 Black Test Loop GND Ground
TP4 Black Test Loop GND Ground

2.2 PM-PD Module

Each kit ships with a GPIO controlled PM-PD module (PMPD-VM_HOT) that is rated for 60W. The module requires a 24 VDC input and it can output 5V, 9V, 15V, and 20V. The PM-PD module consists of Microchip’s MCP19119 DEPA buck DC-DC power supply and the source mode load switch, which is capable of 3A output.

Figure 4 shows the correct way of installing the PM-PD module on header J4.

Ensure that the power is turned OFF before installing or removing the PM-PD module. Hot plugging or removal of the module can damage it permanently.

Figure 4: PM-PD installation on J4

Please verify the orientation of the PM-PD module before powering up the application. Misalignment of the PM-PD pins with the socket will result in permanent damage.

2.2.1 GPIO Mode

The PMPD-VM-HOT module provided in the evaluation kit is controlled by GPIOs and works in “One-Hot” mode where the voltage output is determined by the following truth table:

Output Voltage VSEL0 VSEL1 VSEL2
5V 0 0 0
9V 1 0 0
15V 0 1 0
20V 0 0 1

By default, the PM-PD modules are configured to output 5V because of weak pull-downs on the VSEL[0:2]. Although, 5V will be available on the PD port only when the load switch is turned on by PSF.

2.2.2 I2C Mode

The application example also supports Microchip's I2C mode PM-PD module, consisting of an I2C controlled buck-boost DC-DC converter and a load switch. This module is required for supporting PD source-only PPS applications.

For more information regarding I2C mode PM-PDs, contact Microchip Support.

2.3 Voltage Meter LEDs

The LED Voltmeter provides a visual indication of the approximate VBUS voltage on the Type-C connector.

Reference Designator Component Type Label Description
D1 GREEN LED 5V 5V Source PD Contract
D2 YELLOW LED 9V 9V Source PD Contract
D3 ORANGE LED 15V 15V Source PD Contract
D4 RED LED 20V 20V Source PD Contract

The UPD301B Basic Source application example establishes a 5V PD contract with any port partner by default when a successful Type-C attach is detected. This provides the minimum power required for the sink to complete PD negotiation and request a higher VBUS voltage if it is supported.

During the PD negotiation, the application example will provide its source capabilities which inform the sink port partner about the supported VBUS voltages. The sink port partner is then free to choose a supported PDO from the list of source capabilities. Not all port partners will request a higher VBUS voltage in which case VBUS will remain at 5V.

Figure 5 shows a 5V PD contract negotiated with the sink port partner (e.g., a native Type-C peripheral or a PD-capable phone)

Figure 5: 5V PD Contract negotiated with a port partner (Default PD contract)

Figure 6 shows a 9V PD contract negotiated with the sink port partner (e.g., a PD-capable phone).

Figure 6: 9V PD Contract negotiated with a port partner (e.g., PD-capable phone)

Figure 7 shows a 15V PD contract negotiated with the sink port partner (e.g., a PD-capable tablet).

Figure 7: 15V PD Contract negotiated with a port partner (e.g., PD-capable tablet)

Figure 8 shows a 20V PD contract negotiated with the sink port partner (e.g., a PD-capable notebook).

Figure 8: 20V PD Contract negotiated with a port partner (e.g., PD-capable notebook)

3 Advanced Features

3.1 Atmel ICE Programming and I2C Headers

Figure 9 shows the locations of the Atmel ICE programming Interface (J5) and the I2C Interface (J6).

Figure: 9: Atmel ICE Programming and I2C Headers

Figure 10 shows the pinout of the Atmel ICE programming Interface (J5) and the I2C Interface (J6).

Figure: 10: Atmel ICE Programming and I2C Headers pinout

3.2 Atmel ICE Programmer

The Atmel-ICE (sold separately) (shown in Figure 11) is a powerful development tool for programming and debugging the ARM® Cortex®-M based SAMD20 microcontroller within the UPD301B Type-C Standalone Source-Only PD controller. The Atmel-ICE requires a software front-end like MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB X IPE installed on your computer.

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Figure: 11: Atmel ICE Connection

3.3 Microchip's USB Power Delivery Software Framework (PSF)

Microchip's USB Power Delivery Software Framework (PSF) is a lightweight, full-featured USB PD3.0 compliant software PD stack. The stack provides demos for various USB PD use cases which serve as a software starting point for your custom PD application.

PSF currently offers the following demo for the UPD301B Basic Source Application Example :

PSF Demo Name Description
UPD301B_Basic_Source_AE Single port source-only application example for UPD301B

All the software stack-related documentation and the source code can be accessed through the PSF GitHub repository linked below.

UPD301B Basic Source AE Design Files


PMPD-VM HOT Design Files

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