Evaluating UPD301C with USB Power Delivery Framework Evaluation Kit

UPD301C is a Multi-Chip Module (MCM) consisting of a SAMD20 and a UPD350 packaged in a 40-pin VQFN package. It helps in reducing the BOM cost and implementing two full function PD ports with the help of an external UPD350.

EVB-PSF is designed to work with the UPD301C Plug-In Module (PIM). The PIM can be installed over the SAMD20 and Port 1 UPD350 headers as shown in Figure 4-1.

Replacing the discrete SAMD20 + UPD350 with a UPD301C requires remapping of a few Port 1 PSF GPIOs due to the pin out of the UPD301C.

Figure 4-1: UPD301C PIM Placement

The PIM mates with the outer row of pins on the PSF-EVB as shown in Figure 4-2, thereby replacing the onboard SAMD20 and Port 1 UPD350 with the MCM. This allows for firmware development on the native SAMD20 of the EVB-PSF while allowing a migration path for reducing the BOM cost when going to production. The UPD301C PIM offers the same flexibility of GPIO mapping as in case of EVB-PSF through dedicated GPIO mapping headers.

Ensure that the chamfered edge of the UPD301C PIM matches the markings on EVB-PSF while mounting. When installed correctly, all the pins of the PIM should align with the socket on the EVB-PSF and the small white triangle markings on both the boards should line up as seen in Figures 4-1 and 4-2.

Figure 4-2 UPD301C PIM Interface with EVB-PSF

 Learn More

I. Overview of USB Power Delivery Software Framework Evaluation Kit
II. Getting Started with USB Power Delivery Software Framework Evaluation Kit
III. Hardware User's Guide for USB Power Delivery Software Framework Evaluation Kit

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