Controller Area Network (CAN) Products

The Microchip CAN product portfolio is one of the strongest and most complete in the industry. Several product categories exist, covering a wide range of application MCU capabilities and CAN node configurations:


Product Examples

CAN Transceivers (CAN PHYs)

ATAxxx - Automotive Target

  • ATA6560/1 (CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver with Silent Mode)
  • ATA6562/3 (CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver with Standby Mode)
  • ATA6565 (DUAL CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver with Standby Mode)
  • ATA6570 (CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver with Partial Networking)

The following table highlights/compares the feature sets for this family of devices:


MCPxxx - 24 V Industrial Targets

  • MCP2542/4FD (CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver with Wake-Up on Pattern Option)
  • MCP2557/8FD (CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver with Silent Mode)
  • MCP25612FD (Dual CAN 2.0/CAN FD Transceiver)

The following table highlights/compares the feature sets for this family of devices:


MCPxxxx CAN Transceivers are qualified for 24 V-bus system applications (ISO11898-5), targeting Industrial, Heavy duty truck, Military and Agriculture applications among others.

CAN Transceiver Parametric Selector Guide

CAN Controller Products

Stand-alone controllers

  • MCP2515 (Stand-Alone CAN 2.0B Controller with SPI Interface)

Controllers with Integrated PHY

  • MCP25625 (Stand-Alone CAN 2.0B Controller with Integrated Transceiver and SPI Interface)

CAN Controllers Parametric Selector Guide

MCU with Integrated CAN Controller

CAN 2.0B Capability

CAN 2.0 MCUs Parametric Selector Guide

CAN FD Capability

  • SAM V MCUs (ARM Cortex®-M7 based Automotive Microcontroller)
  • SAM C MCUs (5 V ARM Cortex-M0+ based Appliance/Industrial Control Microcontroller)

CAN FD MCUs Parametric Selector Guide

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