MCP4728 Quad Channel 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter ‍ ‍

MCP4728 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

MCP4728 is a quad-channel, 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) with non-volatile memory and I²C compatible serial interface. You can program the DAC input codes, device configuration bits, and I²C address bits to the non-volatile memory (EEPROM) by using I²C compatible interface commands. The non-volatile memory feature enables the DAC device to hold the DAC input codes during power-off time, allowing the DAC outputs to be available immediately after power-up.



  • 12-bit Resolution
  • Four Buffered Voltage Outputs
  • Single-Supply Operation: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
  • On-Board Non-Volatile Memory (EEPROM)
  • Normal or Power-Down Mode
  • Internal or External Voltage Reference Selection
  • Rail-to-Rail Output
  • Low-Power Consumption
  • ±0.2 LSB DNL (typical)
  • I²C Interface
  • Address Bits: User Programmable to EEPROM
  • Standard (100 kbps), Fast (400 kbps), and High Speed (3.4 Mbps) Modes
  • 10-lead Micro Small Outline Package (MSOP)
  • Extended Temperature Range: -40 °C to +125 °C

Target Applications

  • Set Point or Offset Adjustment
  • Sensor Calibration
  • Closed-Loop Servo Control
  • Low-Power Portable Instrumentation
  • PC Peripherals
  • Programmable Voltage and Current Source
  • Industrial Process Control
  • Instrumentation
  • Bias Voltage Adjustment for Power Amplifiers
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Application: Setting the DC Set Point for Sensor Circuit

A common DAC application is digitally controlling the set point and/or calibration of parameters in a signal chain. The figure below illustrates controlling the Direct Current (DC) set point of a light detector sensor using the MCP4728 12-bit quad DAC and MCP6544 comparator. The DAC provides 4,096 output steps. If G = 1 and internal reference voltage options are selected, then the internal 2.048 V reference (Vref) would allow 500 μV of resolution. If G = 2 is selected, the internal 2.048 Vref would allow 1 mV of resolution. If a smaller output step size is desired, the output range would need to be reduced. Using a gain of one is a better choice than using a gain of two as a configuration option for a smaller step size. Using a voltage divider at the DAC output is another method for obtaining a smaller step size.

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