General Device-ME2/ICE/ICD Limitations

The -ME2, -ICE or -ICD versions of a device (e.g., PIC12F629-ICD) are always mounted on a header board and only used for debugging. For information on headers, see either:

  • (-ICE/-ICD) "Processor Extension Pak and Debug Header Specification" (DS50001292)
  • (-ME2) "Emulation Extension Pak and Emulation Header User’s Guide" (DS50002243)

Limitations related to these device versions are as follows:

  • For some devices, only the -ME2, -ICE or -ICD version of the device can be used to debug with the debug tool. See the above documents to determine if your device requires this device version to debug.
  • -ME2, -ICE, and -ICD devices on headers must be clocked (internally on INTOSC or externally on OSC1) and have MCLR high to communicate with the debug tool.
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