DSP Engine
dsPIC® DSC Block Diagram
The following is a general block diagram of the various core and peripheral modules in the dsPIC® family of devices. In purple we can see the DSP engine.
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Engine
The DSP engine is a block of hardware that is fed with data from the W register array, but contains its own specialized result registers. The DSP engine consists of the following components:
- High-speed 17-bit by 17-bit multiplier
- Barrel shifter
- 40-bit adder/subtractor
- Two target accumulator registers
- Rounding logic with selectable modes
- Saturation logic with selectable modes
Data Paths
This is the data path through the accumulators, starting with single cycle accesses to from both X and Y data spaces
This data path bypasses the accumulators but uses the barrel shifter, extension and backfill logic