Set up MPLAB® X IDE to use an emulation header. Emulation header functionality is supported on MPLAB X IDE, but not on MPLAB IDE v8. Please use debug headers if you are still using MPLAB IDE v8.
Set Up Emulation Header Hardware First
Set up the emulation header as specified in Emulation Header Hardware Setup.
Create a Project
Begin creating a project for a device supported by your emulation header using the Projects wizard (File>New Project). See MPLAB X IDE documentation for more on Projects.
Create a Project: Specify Header Product Number
In one step of the wizard you will have an opportunity to specify the emulation header product number (AC######).
Create a Project: Specify Debug Tool
In another step you will specify the hardware (debug) tool to which your emulation header is attached.
Develop Project Code
Once the wizard is complete, write code for your project.
Debug Your Code
Select Debug>Debug Project to run and debug your code.
Note: An emulation header can only be used to debug (Debug menu), not to program (Run menu). See Emulation Header Additional Information.