Curiosity Development Board - Target Device ID (0x0) does not match expected Device ID
When using a PIC® microcontroller (not included with the Curiosity Development Board) that has already been programmed using high-voltage programming and the LVP bit cleared (LVP = OFF or 0 ), the device cannot be recognized and cannot be programmed using the PicKit On Board (PKOB).
Follow one of these methods to reprogram the device:
- If you have a PICkit™ 3 programmer, connect it to the Curiosity board, configure MPLAB® X IDE to use the PICkit 3 as the programmer, and set the LVP bit to 1 or ON in Configuration Bits. Also, check the 'Enable Low Voltage Programming' field under Project Properties > PICkit 3 > Program Options. Then try to reprogram the device.
- Use an unprogrammed or blank device and set the LVP bit to 1 in the Configuration Bits.
For more information, please refer to Chapter Three of the "Curiosity Development Board User’s Guide".