How do you configure the BM70/71 modules?

The BM70 module is shipped with the BLEDK3 firmware on it. The firmware allows you to put the BM70 into 'auto' or 'manual' pattern modes of operation.

  • In 'auto pattern', you will use the UI tool to configure the BM70. This mode is generally used when you want to use the 'Transparent UART' feature.
  • If you want to use your own proprietary GATT service, you will have to use 'manual pattern'. In manual pattern mode, you will configure the private/public GATT service on the UI tool with other parameters and then use it to configure the module. Now you will be able to see the commands to the module using a host MCU.

You can find more details on the command in the following documents:

With regards to the SPI communication, BLEDK3 does not have provision to use SPI as of now. BM70 silicon has that feature, but there is no way to provide it with the BLEDK3 firmware.

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