Can the AN-H59 power supply be used to power the MD1715DB2?
No, the MD1715DB2 (w/TC8020) does not need Positive Floating Supply Voltage (VPF) or Negative Floating Supply Voltage (VNF). AN-H59, "High Voltage DC/DC Converter for Supertex Ultrasound Transmitter Demoboards", is for the HV738DB1 or the HV748DB1 only.
What is the value of a capacitor connected to power supply (decoupling capacitor) pin of the MD1715 and the TD8020? Is it in mF, µF, or nF?
The power supply decoupling capacitors on the MD1715DB2 are in µF.
What will be the maximum output power at J9 & J8 with the supply voltage suggested in the datasheet?
The maximum instant output power is very large. The peak current is about ±2.5 A and ±100 V but can only last 15 to 20 ns and must with very small duty cycle (about 1% or less). The MD1715 TC8020 is designed for medical imaging applications. It is not for HIFU or other ultrasound applications.
The MD1715 is a 40-pin QFN package, but why is AVSS numbered with 41 in the schematic diagram? Is it the thermal pad, which should be connected to ground?
The number 41 means the package bottom middle thermal slug. It must be connected to the most negative potential (AVSS here).
TC8020 is a 56-lead QFN package. If I assume that pin 57 is connected to pad and connected to ground then why does the schematic diagram show pin 72?
There are many thermal vias in the thermal pad. One of them is 72 but should be pin 57.