Harmony projects typically have four logical project folders named "framework":
Framework files downloaded with the Harmony installation:
Two of these logical framework folders correspond to the physical folder named "framework" found in the Harmony install path (e.g. c:/microchip/harmony/v1_06/framework):
- Header Files > framework
- Source Files > framework
Do not modify any of the source files found in Harmony's framework folder! These source files make up the Harmony framework and are shared by many projects (including example projects and your own). You can look, but don't touch.
Framework files generated by MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC):
The other two logical framework folders correspond to a different physical folder named "framework". This physical folder is generated by the MHC and can be found under the project directory: ../firmware/src/system_config/<project configuration name>/framework.
- Header Files > app > system_config > <project configuration name> > framework
- Source Files > app > system_config > <project configuration name> > framework
The source files found in these MHC created directories can be modified by you. All source files found under the logical "app" folder have been created by you or have been customized by the MHC based on the selections you made in MHC.