Does the ADC on the PIC32MZ EC work well? Should I use it?

The short answer to both questions is no. The Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) found in the PIC32MZ EF work great; please use one of these devices instead.

The ADC on the PIC32MZ EC has a design flaw that limits its performance (maximum throughput rate: 125 KSPS, effective number of bits: 7). See the “PIC32MZ EC Family Silicon Errata and Data Sheet Clarification” document for more details.

The ADCs found on the PIC32MZ EF devices are 12-bit and have a maximum sample rate of 18 MSPS. There are also many more configuration options for these ADCs.

The MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) makes all PIC32 ADC configuration options available to you. If you try to use a configuration option not supported for your device, you will get this warning message:

"Warning: Driver implementation is not available. Only pin management functionality is enabled in this release."

Use a PIC32MZ EF device (instead of the PIC32MZ EC) to eliminate this warning.

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