MIC2019 - Reference Schematics Component Values

We do not have a reference schematic for MIC2019 but the following guidelines should help:

ILIMIT can be set by referring to the "MIC20x9 RSET" table of the datasheet. Take note of the minimum and maximum values associated with each resistance value. (Your application will determine whether you should choose the resistor value to ensure a max or a min IOUT.)

There are two capacitors which will be needed:

  1. A bypass capacitor on the input voltage side placed very close to the device. Please refer to the datasheet for details. In short, the total capacitance is determined by the level of noise on the power rail which supplies the device. The minimum advised on the data sheet is 1 µF. Note that you may also need a combination of capacitors to address the noise (if any) on the supply rail. Higher frequency noise requires ceramic capacitance in the order of 10 nF to 100 nF. Lower frequency noise requires higher capacitances of 10 µF or greater; depending on magnitude.
  2. Capacitance for the load circuit to which power is being switched. This capacitance is determined by the noise on the power rail. The decoupling capacitance which you have put on the MIC2019 contributes to the load's filter needs, but may not be sufficient. You need to determine the load's requirements. Also, note that the load contributes noise to its own power rail by virtue of the nature of its own internal circuitry in combination with the MIC2019 device's internal impedance and the characteristics of the PCB.
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