MLA 2016_11_07 - License - MiWi™ Mesh Demo

The three main files inside the demo have a license that says:

"1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Viper Design LLC hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use the code on twenty-five (25) network devices (code is limited to operate with 25 or fewer devices). If you need to use ViperLink on more than twenty-five (25) devices at a time, you may request such permission from us via email: moc.ngised-repiv|ofni#moc.ngised-repiv|ofni".

What does this mean?

Viper Design is a Microchip Design Partner, who we have worked with to implement the MiWi™ Mesh. If the network is larger than 25 nodes, we recommend working with Viper in order to get the stack and network optimized for that. For large networks, an experienced Network Engineer is often the key that leads to better outcomes. Network engineers help to architect and design the network properly and optimize the stack to work better. Viper has done great work in the past, is very experienced, and helps customers succeed. However, their services are not free and come with some cost. Please contact Viper to learn more about their costs.

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