My LoRa Mote Does Not Connect to the Network
These are the steps to debug when the LoRa MoTe does not connect to a network:
- First, make sure that the device has been activated. It needs to be activated on both sides, server-side and end-device. The activation can be done either by Activation-By-Personalization (ABP) or over-the-air activation (OTAA). For each of these, there is a set of keys: OTAA - DevEUI - AppEUI - AppKey ABP - DevAddr - NwkSKey - AppSKey. Make sure that the same configuration (activation and keys) is also on the server side for each LoRa end device.
- Depending on the server, the keys can be stored differently. This refers to the endianness, meaning the order in which the bytes are stored on the server. Check if the keys are stored correctly and understood by the server exactly how they are on the module.
- When trying to join the network, the device can respond with "denied". This can be the initial response, however, after the second join request (or several join requests), the device can be accepted in the network.
- Check the connection to the internet, specifically the connection between the gateway and the server. It could happen that the LoRa end node sends data correctly, however, the data is not forwarded to the server because of the bad internet connection (gateway - server).
- A software-defined radio can be used to see if there are any LoRa packages on the air. This debug solution can only verify if there is any LoRa info on the air, however, the data cannot be interpreted.
- Some gateways may have logs for the traffic. If so, you can check if the gateway is receiving and forwarding LoRa packets from end node to the server side.