How do you check if your MPLAB® XC compiler license is activated?

To check if your compiler license has been properly installed and activated, use the latest MPLAB® X IDE and go to Tools > Licenses > License Status.

Other ways to check that your license is properly installed:

  • In a command prompt, go to the bin folder in the MPLAB XC Compiler installation folder (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc32\v1.20\bin>) and run xclm -status. This should provide you with the installed license information.
  • Try to compile a project that uses an optimization level greater than one in MPLAB X IDE. If you get a warning that you are using free mode and optimizations are not available in this mode, then you know that the license is not installed properly.

MPLAB XC8 Compiler has an option to run in Free mode even for Pro installed license, please check this mode in the 'Project Properties' under the 'XC8 Options'.

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