With 'mac join otaa', does the module try to connect to all gateways around?
When I send the command mac join otaa to the RN2483, does the module try to connect to all gateways around, or does it only check one and then return accepted or denied? If the RN2483 by default only checks one gateway, is there a possibility to have it check all gateways in range?
The messages are sent in the air and if the gateway can forward it, no matter how many gateways are in range, it will forward the message. The server is the one that manages the received messages. For instance, if the same message comes on different routes, it drops the packet or, with different words, displays it as received only one time. You get denied if the network rejected the authentication.
We recommend trying mac join abp first and then try with the 'otaa' procedure. In order to do 'abp', the device has to be registered in the network (on the server) before trying to join.