Product Change Notification / End of Life (PCN / EOL) Clarifications

What does the status of every product on Microchip web page represent?

Status Description
End of Life (EOL) In the event that Microchip determines to make a product obsolete, Microchip will provide notification of affected products that have had business activity within the last three years. Microchip will provide a list of affected products and may identify replacement or alternative products in the EOL notifications when applicable. In addition to this notification process, Microchip typically provides customers a "last time buy opportunity" for the affected products. For products manufactured by Microchip, the typical time period for customers to place final orders is six months from the date of customer EOL notification. Microchip will allow an additional six months for final orders to be delivered, which provides a 12-month window from the EOL notification until the final delivery of the product. Whether we are able to provide the last time opportunity and the specific details of each, depends upon each specific EOL situation.
In Production There is no EOL planned and the part is recommended for new designs.
Not Recommended For New Designs There are chances of the product having an EOL planned. This is a way of letting you know that certain parts are being phased out and it is entirely up to your discretion whether or not to use it in designing a new product.

Microchip provides notification of the affected products in the Microchip's PCN/EOL Notification System page and emails customers who are registered.

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