What are the approved antennas for the Europe version of LoRa® Mote?

For the RN2483 module (Europe), the radio frequency (RF) reports testing was performed 'Conducted', so the test equipment was connected directly to the module. This is why the reports do not mention any type of antenna used.

For the certification process in Europe, you have to perform four tests according to the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) directive. They are Health, Safety, RF, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Microchip performs these four tests on our modules to establish that they are "R&TTE Directive Assessed Modules".

However, unlike the US and Canada, if you are selling your product in EU, you have to perform all four tests unless you follow the guidance in the technical note that states you can reuse the RF reports(s). In the end, you have to fill out your own Declaration of Conformity (DoC) and make it available to the end customer.

Since the certification process is very complicated, Microchip recommends using the professional services of a test house in order to guide you through the process.

Here are a couple of compatible antennas:

  • 434 MHz antenna - Farnell PN: 2305892
  • 868 MHz antenna - Farnell PN: 2305899

For the RN2903 module, check the product datasheet for the list of allowed antenna types for the USA and Canada.

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