Is it possible to use RN4678APL-V/RM100 in place of RN4678-V/RM100 as a pin-to-pin replacement?
RN4678-V/RM100 and RN4678APL-V/RM100 are physically identical. The footprint and the pin-to-pin assignment should be the same. The difference is the firmware.
RN4678APL-V/RM100 supports Apple® iPod® Accessory Protocol v.2 (iAP2). You can use RN4678APL-V/RM100 but if you encounter any firmware related issues, please keep in mind that you can put the standard (non-Apple) firmware on those modules.
- You can download the firmware here:
- The firmware can be changed with the UI tool located at under the 'Software' tab.