Common Issues With Creating New Projects and Launching Existing Projects in MCC Harmony

Initial troubleshooting requires the removal of the MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) cache directory and the reinstallation of MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC). Do the following:

  • Delete the MPLAB X IDE cache directory (see Help > About for the path)
  • Uninstall the MCC plugin (Go to Tools > Plugins > Installed to uninstall)

The .mcc folder may be hidden. To ensure it is deleted, your system must allow the user to see hidden folders, which may be an OS setting.

Troubleshooting Unsuccessful Creation of New Project

There can be multiple scenarios in which a new project does not launch.

New Project Does Not Start and an Error Popup Appears



The project has not been created with the appropriate project wizard.



Go to File > New Project > 32 bit MCC Harmony Project.


Create a new project.

New Project Does Not Start and a Warning Popup Appears



There is no Harmony library version that is compatible with the current MCC plugin version.



Go to Tools > Plugins > Updates to check for an MCC update.

If the installed MCC plugin version is the latest available: If the installed MCC plugin version is not the latest:
Reset the plugin files using the MCC Options window. Update to the latest version and create the new project again.

Troubleshooting Launching an Existing Project

Existing Project Does Not Open and the Content Manager Displays a Download Failure Message



Each project configuration includes the version of MCC core (stored in <user>\mcc\core) and the version of the Harmony library (stored in <user>\.mcc\libraries). When MCC starts it tries to use those versions and if they do not exist locally it tries to download them. In the current case, the Harmony library version stored in the .mc3 file located in the project’s .X folder does not exist or is not accessible online.



Go to the project’s .X directory.


Open the .mc3 file and check the versions of MCC and Harmony library being used.

Note: This information is in the two lines of the .mc3 file

 “<config configName="default" projectName="679" configVersion="1.1" device="ATSAMA5D21" deviceLibraryClass="com.microchip.mcc.harmony.Harmony3Library" coreVersion="5.4.14">”
“<ILibraryFile class="com.microchip.mcc.core.library.BaseLibraryFile" libraryClass="com.microchip.mcc.harmony.Harmony3Library" version="1.2.0"/>”.


Create a new project.


Open MCC > Content Manager.


Look at MCC Harmony Core.


Check if the Harmony 3 library package found can be changed to the version required by the other project.

If it is possible to change to the required version: If it is not possible to change to the required version:
Update the version then retry opening the initial project. Manually modify the core version and Harmony3 Library version in the initial project with the versions found in the new project.

Existing Project Does Not Show All or Any Modules in the Project Graph Window


Content is missing.


If MCC code was generated for the project at least once it contains a file called harmony-manifest-success.yml or harmony-manifest-failure.yml (depending on the last generation status). This file is in <project folder>\firmware\src\config\<mplab project config name>. It contains all used packages, names, and versions in the section modules. Here is a snapshot showing what to look at:

    - {name: "csp", version: "v3.14.0"}
    - {name: "dev_packs", version: "v3.14.0"}


Create a new project.


Open MCC > Content Manager.


Download the missing packages.


If the project does not contain harmony-manifest-success.yml or harmony-manifest-failure.yml then open the .mc3 file located in the project’s .X folder and observe the used modules in the section <usedClasses>. Here is a snapshot showing what to look at:

” <usedClasses class="java.util.TreeMap">

The “dfp” is the ID of the module. It might not correspond to the name shown in the Project Graph window, and the package that contains it might have a different name since it might contain other modules as well. Although it seems difficult to identify the package to download, this information is the starting point for finding it or reporting an issue.

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