Libero® Installation and Licensing

Downloading and Installing Libero® SoC

Libero SoC design suite supports designs for the following Microchip FPGAs:

  • PolarFire SoC
  • PolarFire
  • RTG4
  • SmartFussion2
  • IGLOO2

Libero runs on Windows® and Linux® machines. The installation package can be downloaded from the Libero Design Suite page.

The installation package walks you through the step-by-step installation process for contemporary desktop applications. When the installation process is complete, an icon to start Libero appears on the desktop.

Double-clicking on the Libero icon will start the application.

All references to Libero on site reference v12.0 or higher of Libero SoC.

Licensing Libero SoC

Microchip implements an industry standard FlexNet Publisher (formerly known as FLEXlm) license. Libero supports either node-locked or floating server-based licenses.

To ensure that Libero runs, you must obtain and install a license file from Microchip.
When Libero starts up, it looks for a license file. If no license file is found, Libero will not run.

Libero offers four levels of licenses: Evaluation, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. These licenses differ in price, device support, and length of service. The licenses most often requested by the first-time Libero users are the two time-limited, no-cost licenses: Evaluation and Silver.

  • Evaluation License: Supports all functions and devices, but DOES NOT allow the user to program a device.
  • Silver License: Allows the user to program a design, but supports a limited number of devices.

The Overview tab of the Libero license page details the specifics of the licenses.

License Procedures for an Individual PC

  1. Install Libero.
  2. Request a Libero license from the licensing website.
    • You must supply the Volume ID of the PC accepting the license.
    • If the license being requested requires a fee (i.e. anything other than an Evaluation or Silver license) you must also supply the license code received at the time of purchase.
  3. Microchip will provide the license file via email.
  4. Place the license on your PC and update the environment variable to point to the location of that file.
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