Step 6: With MHC, Configure Debug System Service, Console System Service, and USB Driver as CDC USB, and USB Pins
Connect CONSOLE with USB CDC module.
Right-click on the diamond next to USB_DEVICE_CDC. From the Satisfiers list, select CDC function Driver (usb_device_cdc).
Select Yes to agree with USB Device Layer auto-activation.
Select Yes to auto-activate the USB Full Speed Driver component.
Note: A USB Device Layer and a USB Full Speed Driver are now part of the project.
Select and configure the USB Device Layer component as follows.
- Product ID Selection: cdc_com_port_single_demo
Note: USB Device pins are configured automatically. You can check under MHC > Tools > Pin Configuration > Pin Settings and look for pin D- (#A63) and pin D+ (#A64).
This completes the configurations of the Debug System Service, Console System Service, and USB CDC Driver. The application code will use the SYS_DEBUG_MESSAGE() and SYS_DEBUG_PRINT() APIs to print the temperature values over the USB CDC module.