Lab 2: Log Data to SD Card
In Lab 2, you will enhance the existing application and log the temperature sensor data into an external SD card using the File System. The new application will use:
- Asynchronous SDSPI Driver using SPI2 Peripheral Library to write the temperature log onto the SD card.
- File System Service linked with SDSPI Driver to perform file operations on the SD card.
- RTC Peripheral Library to capture the time for the temperature log
The whole application is divided into four tasks.
- Sensor task
- SD card task
- USB task
- Wi-Fi task
Each task runs its own state machine. The tasks are called from the SYS_Tasks() routine, which is run in an infinite loop.
In Lab 2, you will develop the SD card task.
Lab 2 Index
Part 1 - Configure SDSPI Driver, File System, RTC Peripheral Library
- Step 1 - Rename Project
- Step 2 - With MHC, configure File System Service
- Step 3 - With MHC, configure SDSPI Driver, SPI Peripheral Library, and SPI pins
- Step 4 - With MHC, configure RTC Peripheral Library
- Step 5 - With MHC, configure Harmony Core and BSP
- Step 6 - With MHC, view final project graph and generate code
Part 2 - Add Application Code & Build the Application